Essays and reflections on healing, wholing and finding meaning in a chaotic world.
Wisdom in the wound: reuniting psyche and soma
In a society that values thinking over feeling, logic over intuition, and willpower over surrender, the modern person is in flight from their own body. To reject the body is to...
3 inspiring life lessons from The Truman Show
Whenever I watch The Truman Show, it puts me in a trance. This film is a masterpiece, packed with multiple layers of symbolism and meaning. As the years go by, it...
Regrets: do they heal or hinder?
"No regrets" is popular mantra in our society, but how healthy is it? From one angle, regret is a form of attachment to an alternate reality that was never destined to transpire....
The bittersweet taste of freedom
What is freedom? It's an immense question, and one I'm now beginning to grapple with. I find it challenging not to idealise certain forms of freedom. Often, for example, I find...
Living your heart’s truth
While reading 'Blue Truth' by David Deida, I came across the following passage on the nature of truth: "The mind is more malleable than the emotions or the body, and so the mind...
When did you last do nothing?
Until recently, I've lived most of my adult life under the spell of to-do lists. On some level, I believed that fulfilment is the fruit of busyness, target-setting and goal...
Einstein on the nature of genius
The root of the word genius is the Latin gignere, meaning to ‘give birth' or 'bring forth'. Maybe it’s no coincidence that the word ‘genuine’ can be traced back to this same...