Photo of Oliver Page sitting in front of the Himalayas with a mug of tea

I am a writer who is passionate about healing, grief work and soul recovery.

My path began in conventional medicine. Working as a doctor in the NHS, I learned not only about anatomy and physiology, but also the painful yet cleansing experience of grief in its many forms.

I was called to step away and explore alternative approaches to healing, approaches rooted in mind-body unity and a connection to something greater – what might be called the ‘transpersonal’ element.

This led me to the work of Carl Jung, whose approach to mythology, dreams and shadow work greatly catalysed my own inner work. Daoism has also been a fertile area of study, which I am currently exploring through a daily practice of Qigong.

In addition, I have trained and volunteered as a Bereavement Support Worker with the charity Cruse, alongside studying coaching and counselling skills.